Thursday, October 29, 2009

Texting module/Potluck #57

I have used text before. A year or two ago when I was on a family plan I just did a few times because it cost extra. Two months ago I bought unlimited text and have been texting often, but could probably get away w/500 a month text plan because I don't think I go over that.
I'm a regular texter now. I use text lingo, but mostly just whatever abbreviations that come to mind.Text 2 lingo seemed not too useful for me, but for those who are confused by text lingo and need practice or translations it was ok.
After reading the New York Times article, I definitely will avoid texting while driving altogether in stead of just doing it occasionally. It seems even more distracting then talking on the phone. It's pretty unbelievable-the statistic they mention that teens are averaging almost 2000 texts a month!

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